Selecting a web hosting provider is one of the most important decisions for both individuals and businesses who want to have a powerful online presence. New Delhi has multiple hosting companies to choose from making it very challenging to pick one. With the help of research and analysis of the hosting companies their performance and support, we have created the Best 5 web hosting companies in New Delhi.
SastaHost is one of the best and top hosted in New Delhi. They are cost-effective and are considered to be one of the high-quality hosting providers. For Small Businesses, Bloggers, and for large enterprises they provides different plans starting from Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Servers. Their packages includes features like Free SSL Certificates, 24/7 Customer Support, and SastaHost guarantees a 99.9% Uptime.
GoDaddy is also a well-known name in web hosting and has a considerable presence in New Delhi. It has numerous hosting plans like shared hosting, WordPress hosting, and dedicated servers. GoDaddy stands out from the crowd due to its simplistic interface along with great customer service, making it much more approachable for new users and firms.
With a major presence in American HostGator has established themselves as a trusted name in the world of web hosting, enabling them to target businesses of any scale. HostGator has data centers located in India, thus Indian users can enjoy lower latency and faster speeds when it comes to using the website. Their plans come with no cap on bandwidth, complimentary website migration, and free technical support anytime a user desires.
Like most other providers of web hosting, BigRock is a trustworthy service provider from New Delhi. They feature cost-effective hosting services specifically tailored for different types of companies from startups to large enterprises. BigRock offers shared hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated Servers for specialized clients, and comes with a suite of security tools. Thanks to BigRock’s domain registration and hosting services, novices are able create their own websites with ease using the simplified control panel.