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Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (“Agreement”) are an agreement between SastaHost (“we”, “us”, or “our”), and you (“User”, “you”, or “your”). This agreement sets in place the terms and conditions for the use of any products and services set forth by SastaHost. Please read carefully to ensure you understand our terms before purchasing any of our products or services.

Account Eligibility

a. By registering for and using our services, you represent that:

– You are at least 18 years of age. The Services are intended for use by users who are 18 years and older. Any registration, use of, or access to our services by anyone under 18 is a violation of this Agreement.

– If you use our services on behalf of another party, you agree that you are authorized to bind such other party to this Agreement and to act on such other party’s behalf with respect to any actions you take in connection with the services.

b. It is your responsibility to provide accurate, complete, and current customer information on registration forms. The email address that you use to sign up must be different from the domain that you are signing up with. If there is a reason for us to contact you, we will contact you using this email address.

c. You agree to be fully responsible for all use of your account and for any actions that take place through your account. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your account.

d. Any dedicated IP order is subject to IP justification. IP justification policies may change to comply with the Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers (IRINN), American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE).

e. You agree that changing the main domain on an account will incur a fee of $10 for each time the main domain is changed.

Website Migrations

Please Contact our Sales team before placing any order withus..

User Content

a. You may be able to upload, store, publish, display, and distribute information, text photos, videos, and other content on or through our services (collectively referred to as, “User Content”). User Content includes any content posted by you or by users of any of your websites hosted by us. You are solely responsibly for ensuring that User Content complies with this agreement.

b. SastaHost exercises no control over, and accepts no responsibility for, User Content or the content of any information passing through SastaHost’s computers, networks, or points of presence. SastaHost does not monitor User Content. You agree and acknowledge that SastaHost may take corrective action in SastaHost’s sole discretion, including without limitation removal of all or a portion of the User Content or User Websites, and suspend or terminate and and all Services without refund if you violate the terms of this Agreement. You hereby agree that SastaHost will have no liability due to the corrective action that SastaHost may take.

Account Security and SastaHost Systems

a. It is your responsibility to ensure that scripts and programs installed under your account are secure and that permissions of directories and files are set properly, regardless of the installation method. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account, including the compromise of credentials such as username and password.

b. The services, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices are provided only for authorized customer use. SastaHost may, but is not obligated to, monitor our systems to ensure that use is authorized to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, to verify security procedures, survivability, and operational security. During monitoring, information may be examined, recorded, or copied and used for authorized purposes. By using our services, you consent to monitoring of network services for these purposes.

c. Any account found connecting to a third party network or system without authorization from the third party is subject to suspension. This includes but is not limited to denial of service attacks, brute force attacks, email spam, and web spam.

d. Any account which causes us to receive an abuse report may be suspended or terminated. If you do not remove malicious content after being notified, we reserve the right to leave access to services disabled.

e. We reserve the right to impose fees for verified abuse. Payment must be made for abuse of services prior to account re-activation. We reserve the right to deviate from our abuse schedule as we see fit. Our abuse fee schedule is as follows:

-First notice: no charge. (Service will be suspended if not entertained in 12 hours)
-Second notice: $10 penalty.
-Third notice: $50 penalty.
-Fourth notice: Account Termination.

HIPAA Disclaimer

a. We are not “HIPAA compliant”. Customers requiring secure storage of “protected health information” as define under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are expressly prohibited from using the services for such purposes.

Billing and Payment Information

A. It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment information is up to date and that all invoices are paid on time. You agree to pay for the services in advance of the time period during which such services are provided. Subject to applicable laws, rules, and regulations, payments received will be applied to the oldest outstanding invoice in your billing account first.

B. Unless otherwise provided, you agree that you will be billed on an automatically recurring basis to prevent the disruption to your services.

c. All invoices must be paid within 2 days of the invoice due date. Any invoice that is outstanding for more than 2 days may result in the suspension of your service. Access to the account will not be restored until payment has been received. We reserve the right to charge a 15% late fee in addition to the invoice.

E. It is a violation of this Agreement for you to misuse or fraudulently use credit cards, charge cards, electronic funds transfers, electronic checks, payment methods, or identities. We may report misuse or fraudulent use to governmental and law enforcement authorities, credit reporting services, financial institutions, and credit card companies.

F. – Invoices for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual recurring services will be issued 07 days in advance of the due date.
– Unpaid services will be suspended 02 days past the due date on the service.
– Unpaid services will be terminated 05 days past the due date on the service.

G. You may dispute an invoice with SastaHost prior to its due date. If you have any questions about a charge on your account, you may reach out to the billing department for assistance. Opening a dispute with your credit card company or initiating a charge back is a violation of this agreement, and may incur an additional $75 charge back fee.

Money Back Guarantee

a. SastaHost provides a 10 day money back guarantee for shared & reseller accounts. The following are eligibility requirements for the money back guarantee. Customers must meet all eligibility requirements in order to be awarded the refund as per our money back guarantee:

– You have not been a customer of SastaHost in the past.
– Abuse or misuse has not occurred on your service (see “Account Security and SastaHost Systems”, “CPU, Bandwidth, and Disk Usage”).
– You have not initiated a dispute or charge back.
– Any violations of this agreement will waive your right to a refund.
– We debit Payment gateway & GST amount balance amount refund to client.


a. SastaHost reserves the right to terminate service at any time. If an account is terminated for a policy violation there will be no refund.

b. Customers can cancel service pursuant to the terms of their contract by email or through the portal. Only authorized contacts/individuals can cancel an account. Unless client specifies a termination date, accounts will be terminated upon notice.

c. Unless otherwise specified in the terms of Client’s contract and for all month-to-month services, cancellation notice must be received at least 7 days prior to scheduled service renewal date; furthermore, if service is cancelled with less than 7 days remaining before scheduled service renewal, the service will renew for 1 additional month automatically.

d. Cancellation requests must be submitted via the SastaHost client area by selecting “Request Service Cancellation” from the left navigation and submitting the cancellation form for the services being discontinued.

e. Refund policies (above) strictly apply to all cancelled accounts.

f. If an account is cancelled due to non-payment, SastaHost reserves the right to delete contents without notice and re-provision the server.

CPU, Bandwidth, and Disk Usage

a. All use of hosting space provided by SastaHost is subject to the the terms of this agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy.

– Shared and reseller hosting space may be used only for web files, active email, and content of user websites. Space may not be used for storage, including as offsite storage of electronic files, email, or FTP hosting. We will review and notify you in the event of excessive CPU or disk usage. Excessive CPU usage is defined as such usage that significantly impacts other users’ ability to use their services.

– Dedicated and VPS usage is limited by the resources allocated to the specific plan or server that has been purchased.

b. Bandwidth usage is actively monitored.


a. Resellers are responsible for providing support to their clients. If a reseller’s client contacts us, we reserve the right to place the request on hold until the reseller contacts us directly. Resellers must contact SastaHost directly for security purposes.
b. Resellers are responsible for the content stored and transmitted under their reseller accounts.


a. Discounts and coupons are reserved for first-time accounts or first-time customers only and may not be used toward the purchase of a domain name registration unless otherwise specified.

Backups and Data Loss

a. Your use of our services is at your sole risk. Our backup service runs weekly and saves 1 backup for managed hosting. Only one week of backups are kept at a time. This service is provided as a courtesy and may be modified or terminated at our sole discretion. We make no guarantees about the availability of these backups.

We strongly advise you to buy our addon backup service or take regular backup at your end.

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